Your Meaningful Life in Memoir: tell your life’s truest story


at Blue Heron Studio


At the pinnacle of his career, psychologist Carl Jung declared that the most important task for every human being is to understand the guiding myth or story of his or her life.

We all tell stories about who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. These personal myths shape who we become and what we believe.

In this six week writing we will explore memoir exercises that will help us detect the story line hidden in our own lives, and will write our stories in a way that opens up the meaning to us and to those to whom we choose to tell our stories.

6 Weeks – Sunday October 27th to December 1st, 7pm to 9:30pm   $180


Please click HERE to register on the Blue Heron website.
Facilitated by Sue Reynolds

Susan Lynn Reynolds is a writer, a writing instructor, and a practicing psychotherapist. Her specialty is the therapeutic use of journaling and expressive writing.

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In the summer of 2013 I was invited to do a TEDtalk on “Shining the light on our Changing Communities”. I talked about the therapeutic writing program I do with incarcerated women. You can view the talk here.

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